Archive for December, 2010

Hiatus due to Douchebaggery

Posted: December 14, 2010 in Uncategorized

Well there’s no real point in continuing this website for the time being. 90% (conservative estimate) of the content on here is owned by Sony, UMG, Vevo or if you cut through the layers of bullshit – the RIAA. Their settings for Youtube prohibit any songs from playing on another website.

The funny thing is they have the option to allow these songs to play on my site but with a paid advertisement. The RIAA would rather NOT promote music than promote and advertise music. I’m sure there’s a justification somewhere, it’s just extremely oblivious to me.

Civil war is coming RIAA. Not from me of course, I don’t have the skills to sabotage your attempts of control and extortion, but it is coming.